"Innovators of advanced Green-Energy Technologies, and Systems to produce nutritious agriculture and GREEN energy for a healthier environment from Renewables, Bio-mass & Bio-waste."
AGEN Environmental Corporation (“AGEN”) was formed in 2018 as a Delaware registered company whose mission is advocating for a cleaner and healthier planet by producing nutritious agriculture and GREEN energy for today and tomorrow.
AGEN is so focused on Agriculture and Energy that our name is made up of the first two letters of the words: Agriculture Energy: AGEN.
The Problem
Over the last century many societies have faced the challenge of not having enough clean water and nutritious food to support their growing population, but more recently landfills and many dumps have caused serious health conditions among the local people and have increased harmful pollution to the land, water, and air.
Modern Society and Developing Nations are now more reliant on energy than ever before, and our consumption of electricity is exponentially growing. The other serious event we all are witnessing is the increased sizes of landfills, illegal dumps and poor managed collection practices that cause more harm to many communities. Developing nations are facing an even more dire situation when it comes to their energy needs and are experiencing the crippling environmental and human health effects from the growing amount of improperly managed waste.
AGEN’s Solution
AGEN’s “Healthy Agriculture and Clean Energy Initiative will address the particular situations of municipal waste and landfills, to provide a solution to operate a profitable and sustainable business in the area. Safely processing and transforming the waste materials into electricity, heat, nutritious food, animal feed, fertilizers, clean water, and clean GREEN Hydrogen Fuel which is AGEN’s primary objective. AGEN could provide these products at below market rates
The Goal of AGEN’s Healthy Agriculture and Clean Energy Initiative is to improve the health of our planet and its population by using our advanced technology’s and improved the trash collection management systems. AGEN will incorporate an advanced processing facility for the transformation of MSW, biomass waste, waste oils, sewage, tires, and food waste. AGEN’s Healthy Agriculture and Clean Energy Initiative will reverse many of the negative effects caused by trash on the local land, air, and water supply while improving the standards of living of the local inhabitants while protecting the environment and preserving their eco-tourism.
Agen Executive Summary
AGEN Environmental Corporation designs, manufactures, installs and services Energy-Efficient and Zero or low Emission Technologies by bringing together its many proprietary processes and patents in: Agricultural growth, Dry Animal feed from food waste, Bio-chemistry, Chemical Science, Combustion systems, Hydrogen fuels and cleaner healthier water technology while reducing CO2 and other negative emissions and pollution from landfills to help improve health, while saving, Jobs, Money, Fuel costs and the Environment.
Read more of: INITIATIVE
AGEN's Renewable Hydrogen Benefits many users-industries" ( Presently 90% of Hydrogen is from using natural gas-stripping process that emits lots of CO2 and NOx emissions)