Eric T Lavoie

President / Founder

Eric’s two engineering degrees are in Industrial Technology and Water-Wastewater Treatment with years of experience in various industrial and manufacturing settings. Eric has held the positions of Engineer, Chief Engineer, and Operations Manager. In addition, Eric’s experience is with Industrial Chemical Processing and Combustion Sciences.

Eric is also an inventor and his passion in Fluid Combustion transformed into tremendous advancements in combustion engineering and resulted in him being issued two patents for the combustion of standard and hard-to-burn fuels.

Eric helped form Energy Efficiency Solutions LLC in 2008 and has designed and manufactured several oil burners with unique features such as “burners with multiple nozzles, multi-fuels; with modulating burner control technology which in some cases, can burn oil as clean as natural gas. Eric  was granted US Patents-8,052,418 for “The Burner Booster” and US Patent -8,672,672 for “The Phoenix Combustion Burner System”(Oxygenation Fuel System).  

Dave Nudelman

Executive Vice President

David has a Bachelor of Science in Business and Marketing Degree with a Minor in Communication. In addition to his formal education, David has over 30 years of experience with high-tech companies in various marketing roles including sales, sale management product planning and product training and has been instrumental with the introduction of many new products and technologies.

David’s strengths include marketing, product management, sales, and sales training as well as establishing and maintaining distribution networks which include the hiring and management of both a direct and in direct sales force. David is very detail and goal orientated and his nature combined with his communication skills, allow him to quickly develop a rapport with others. Dave and Eric LaVoie have worked for over the past 15 years.

Kenneth U Borneman

Sr. VP Power-Plant Development Operations

Ken Borneman’s over forty years’ experience and a proven track record in alternative power development, engineering and manufacturing,provides the necessary skills to be particularly effective for his clients. With nineteen years of renewable power development, thirteen years in the power industry and twelve years in the paper and specialty board industry, he has the expertise to meet the ever-changing needs of today’s green power development and emerging renewable markets.

 Mr.Borneman’s experienced knowledge provides a valuable niche for his clientele, particularly with green renewable development, power generation, alternate energy markets and clean energy initiatives. From development, project design, engineering, business/management requirements, contract negotiating, to operations O&M,  procurement, environmental compliance, project management, accounting, and project oversight Ken Borneman provides a realistic and productive approach to his customer’s needs.

Ken leads and maintains efficient productivity through experienced management knowledge, professional diligence, technical skills and a hands-on approach Mr. Borneman provides his clients with the foremost quality product. Ken has been involved with many upgrades to over seas power generating plants.

Ken has a Masters Degree in Business Science and BS. In Mechanical Engineering.

Richard J Romanek Jr

Richard J Romanek Jr

Chief Systems Operations Engineer

Rick was born in Illinois, and then attended school at California Polytechnic Institute Pomona, where he studied Civil & Mechanical Engineering. During this time, he also studied Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Software programming including machine language programming.  During his college years he worked on many commercial equipment installation projects from concept to installation. His many responsibilities included Project Management, Customer Relations, Sales and Support, Hardware troubleshooting, New Hardware Acquisitions, Software Beta Testing, and Field Systems Set-Up.

After college Rick moved to Florida and began working for a National Engineering/Manufacturing firm, North American Engineering, Inc. where he was able to demonstrate his mechanical and electrical background, project management experience to advance computer automation advancements. Ricks leadership allowed him to prove his value in upper management, project management & logistics.  He advanced in a short time to oversee all work in the electrical and mechanical departments. Rick is seasoned in exporting equipment overseas, and dealing with many different nationalities, banks, and governmental agencies in the following countries: Canada, Taiwan, China, Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, and Cambodia. 

Rick started Phoenix Engineering & Logistics, Inc and provided 90% of its equipment to the United States Government, of which he learned the inner workings of Government Procurement Contracting. Currently he works for Phoenix Engineering & Logistics, Inc. as a consultant, engineer and project coordinator. His main duties are to assist Phoenix Engineering & Logistics, Inc’s clients in project design, coordination, plant builds, vendor management, and to draw on his vast experience to help his clients get the best value for their money spent.

Rick has overseen the installation of several advanced Food Waste to Animal Feed systems globally where he holds a patent on one of his systems he’s designed. 

John Diosa

VP Director of International Development

AGEN welcomes John Diosa, of Colombia as VP Director of International Development.

John Diosa has 20 years of experience in a verity of waste to energy projects both international and regional  that promote environmental solutions that are economically sustainable. His expertise and performance are finding solutions by converting trash-waste and contaminants of landfills to convert these wasted energy sources and materials to be economically sustainable.

John will also lead the sales of the new AGEN Phoenix Micro-Grid with Clean-water module system. The self-sustaining “AGEN Phoenix ReEnergy Water Unit ” modular unit will create power when there is none and offer lower cost of energy with better-quality drinking water management solutions. This system would allow the local community or business to be more sustainable by using its waste-oil products by incorporating them to power the AGEN Phoenix ReEnergy Water Unit. This different type of GREEN SOLUTION  product with over 175kW of electrical power and more than 250 gallons per hour of clean drinking water, 500 gph of process water pumping systems and with solar energy battery storage, all in most cases less than 6 cents per kW,  including the filtered water !

John’s achievements demonstrate a unique talent to connect many communities’ leaders and business professionals to help make a positively impact for the environment, economy, and the health of local people.

With John’s vast experience and technical skills, AGEN will benefit in international projects throughout Latin America, the Caribbean and help solidify some contacts in Africa and India.

Eric D. Taylor

Sr. VP: Hydrogen Operations

Eric has a Mechanical Engineering Degree and spent 3 years at Massachusetts Institute of Technology ‘s Advanced Plasma and Fusion Combustion Center as the Chief Managing Engineer where he supervised 12 technicians.

Eric has over 15 years’ experience in the manufacturing, production, development of new technologies. Eric developed many computer-activated mechanical controls with automation software that maximizes the operation.

Eric’s experience includes re-designing, documenting, and building state-of-the-art mechanical systems for industrial environments and was involved in the technological development of 3 US Patents. Eric helped form Advanced Burner Solutions (“ABS”)…  where he used his expertise with the design and development of ABS’ Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Catalytic Chemistry Modules.

Martha Jackson

Environmental Communication Coordinator

 Martha brings her experience from both the corporate world and small business (including start-ups) to interface with corporate, government and different levels in the community. Her unique ability to coordinate a series of data info and how best to show trends helps make better; communication continuity, identity and vision. Agen values her ability to problem solve in a creative and diplomatic manner with real world feasibility through many disciplines. She brings  the “STEAM” (Science. Technology. Energy. ARTS- Management) to give outstanding coordination in presentations. Her passion for global sustainability, along with her years of teaching experience, has provided her with an arsenal of practical design solutions to make an effective presentation to help better the planet for the future.

Lori J. Cutter

Office Manager and Bookkeeper

Lori brings 8 years of Energy Saving Corporation cross-over work experiences. Lori started with Energy Efficiency Solutions, LLC as past Managing Partner in 2009 and was responsible for handling a wide variety of record keeping and accounting documentation and state filings. She  came on board with AGEN in 2018 to help keep all accounting records and filing. Lori handles AGEN’s Corporate stock documentation and other presentation packages both on the internet and by mail.

John Gass

Combustion Burner Service Engineer

John is experienced with many different engineering applications for very heavy oil, heavy oil mi… xtures, and other waste crude-glycerin products and was instrumental in the construction of Energy Efficiency Solutions’ $500,000 Advanced Combustion Laboratory for the advanced studies of The Burner Booster Technology.  

John knowledge and experience with these heavy fuels was invaluable with the research and development projects at the Advanced Combustion Laboratory which aided in the development of the Phoenix Combustion System.

Peter B. Chykaliuk-PhD

Chief Agronomist

Peter has worked in the agriculture, oil, and gas industries for more than 40 years. Peter has managed large farm production entities in Ukraine where he was able to increase crop yields that were in difficult growing conditions and areas. Peter has filed and received over 20 registrations, trademarks, and patents for various plant varieties in Sorghum, Blueberries and Artic Kiwi.

In 1991, Peter started a Farm Supply Distributorship in Ukraine. Peter then spear-headed and assisted several other start-up companies in the agriculture and energy sectors by acting as a conduit to other investors. Peter and his associates still own a few agricultural related businesses in Ukraine. 

Jarmin Kaltsas

BioFuel Consultant Operations

Jarmin has 15 years’ experience in the Bio-fuels Industry and is the Founder and President of Maine Bio Fuels. Jarmin has always had an interest in advancing the use of bio-fuels from different sustainably grown crops. Jarmin is a leader in the waste to energy field and has made many advances converting waste streams into value-added products. Jarmin co-founded an aquaponics farm in Maine that was heated entirely from Bio-fuels that were produced on his farm which was the basis for his research into alternative fuels such as bio-fuels and waste streams.

Steve Hayes

Sales Communications Advisor

Senior VP Engineering, General Manager, President, CEO, Senior VP Sales and Marketing and Senior VP of Human Resources are just a few of the professional roles that Steve has successfully filled throughout his career.  He holds a Master’s degree in Educational Administration, an Executive MBA in Marketing, Senior HR Professional certifications and offers over 30 years of business management experience in high tech, engineering, distribution and construction.  He has built a reputation as a systems thinker, problem solver and capable operations manager and is consistently sought out as a start-up and/or turnaround expert.

Focused on collaboration, innovation, and being fun to work with Steve is a rare blend of education and practical application with proven ability to positively impact the bottom line.

Bob Ketter

Strategic Sales Consultant

Bob has strong skills in operations management with past ownership of two manufacturing companies in the USA. Bob has helped launch new products and setup sales teams since 1985. Bob worked with Eric LaVoie on the transition from Energy Efficiencies Solutions, LLC to Advanced Burner Systems in 2015. Bob is a part-owner/investor of RENTAR Corporation where he holds the position of Senior Regional Sales Manager and supports the operations and sales of a technology to advance oil/diesel fuel burning for the US and overseas.